What is Global NCAP?

Global NCAP (New Car Assessment Programme) is an independent vehicle safety organization that conducts safety tests and crash evaluations of vehicles sold in emerging markets. The organization aims to promote vehicle safety in these markets and provide consumers with information on the safety performance of different models.

Global NCAP was established in 2011 as a collaborative effort between several international organizations, including the FIA Foundation, the International Consumer Research and Testing (ICRT), and the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL). It works closely with NCAPs in different countries to develop standardized testing protocols and safety assessment criteria.

Global NCAP conducts a variety of crash tests to evaluate the safety performance of different vehicles, including frontal impact, side impact, and pedestrian protection tests. The organization evaluates vehicles based on a range of criteria, including crashworthiness, occupant protection, and the effectiveness of safety features such as airbags and seatbelts. Vehicles are given a safety rating based on their performance in these tests, with higher ratings indicating better safety performance.

Global NCAP has been instrumental in promoting vehicle safety in emerging markets, where many vehicles do not meet the same safety standards as those sold in developed countries. By providing consumers with information on the safety performance of different models, Global NCAP aims to encourage manufacturers to improve the safety of their vehicles and help consumers make more informed purchasing decisions.

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